Helloo everybody.. meet my friends, Miss Blonde n Miss Blacky. Miss Blonde (with blonde hair) is my friend since i am one year old.. i've got her on my first birthday from my mama's officemate, Auntie Shida.. thank you aunty,...

Than just last week my aunty, (babah's cousin) aka mak ngah tijah giving me Miss Blacky.. oww... soooo sweet, now Miss Blobde not alone anymore.. Thanx mak ngah!
Yesterday I bring both to nursery.. sadly my best friend want it too.. but i wont give her and suddenly she bite me on my right hand... and i'm crying.. than teacher amy took my both miss blonde and blacky and kept it.. owh.. im so regret because mama warn me from bring them to school but i wont listen and now i'm losing both.. owh how sad...
At home mama asked me where's you both missy naylie??? i just kept my mouth shut.. dont want to tell.. because i know she will scold me.. but i heard babah said in the car.. really???? they are in the car??? i ran out and looked into the dashboard the place that babah always put thing and luckily both of them are there... owwhh.. i'm so happy! happy! happy!... and i play with my friends until night..
owh.. i'm tired and i want to sleep..
give both of u good night kiss.. hope we've gonna have a wonderful day tomorrow..

and to all mama's blog readers.. good night too..
have a nice dream...

* buang tebiat ke aku?? he he...
amboi..dh ada kawan ek barbie dia...comel tol..
alahai manjanye dia ngan patung barbie dia ek..
nasib baik saya tak tidur dengan pinky street saya! Hihihi...
imz:.. kawan berangan dia.. hu hu,..
ita.itu:.. manja kononnyer,, hiks..
eedany:.. mmg cute giler la pinky sreet eedany tue.. kalo akk kompom bwk tido nyer.. huhu..
good info!
thnks khas!
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