untuk dua award nie ada syarat plak .. yang mana
These award is for those bloggers who are nice people;
good blog friends and those who inspire
good feelings and inspiration also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you’ve been awarded please pass it on to others who you feel are deserving of these award.
.: Nelly Suria :.
.: Mama Wafiy:.
.: Ada Ayrissa:.
.: Ita.itu :.
.: Ayu :.
.: Mama Ranggie :.
.: Aleeya :.
.: Si Riben Metah :.
eh aku pun dpt award ek..toce..toce
thnz for the award yang...
kita dh buat tau.. so, kita akan update je yg lama tuh eh?
thnks again!muah!
ita.itu:.. ye sudi2kan la menerimanyer.. u r welcome..
ayu:.. sama2.. ok.. nnt i check it out!!
eh tu aku kan ...yeayyyy dpt award!!!tq...
aleeya:.. ye.. itu kamu.. (mcm estranged la pulak..) u r welcome ;p
yehhh...silakan2...award situ sana sini..nnt ntah sape lak nk bg lagi...artis gitu..huhuhu
haja darlingz:.. hu hu.. syok kan dapat award nie.. menadah jer kiter..
i dpt award ke?
tq2..sonok giler nih......
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