Kali ni kena menggoogle la yer..
So, the rules are simple. Use Google Image to search
the answers to the questions below.
Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results,
and post it as your answer.
After that tag 6 people.
the answers to the questions below.
Then you must choose a picture in the first page of the results,
and post it as your answer.
After that tag 6 people.
I am

I really want to go

My fav place...

My fav colour...

black and white

My fav food...
My fav food...

My fav drink...

My fav movie...
My fav movie...

I was born...

@ port dickson
I live at...


I want ...


Ok settle..
heheh nice jugak tag ni
Dah wat tag??... suker zana..
pandai sis khas googgle images.. cantik...
kak khas, ai kena tag x?
(sbb ai x leh view la pic tag tu)
wui..i n zana pun ingat nk gi bandung next year..jom khas..
yan:.. nak buat ke?.. silakan..
ikiqzana:.. google image mmg byk gambo lawa2 kan,..
ada ayrissa:.. akk tag nobody. tp kalo ada nak buat silakan.. ;D
dee:.. insyaAllah.. kalo ada rezeki kita g ek! ;)
waa bagusnye..1st page lagi yek kt en google page..ekek:D
sgt meanrik itu donat:p
suziey:.. ha'ah 1st page.. (ayat bangga tuh! huhu)
donut adalah menarik dan sedap!! yummy
nak girl lagi??tak teringin boy ke??
mummyaeesh:.. teringin gak nak boy.. sepasang kan best.. tp rasa mcm nak girl lagik.. tah naluri kot.. hehe
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